Pictures of our family























Update 9/2/2024

June-July-August: Scott and Jack travelled to Philadelphia to get Jack set up at UPenn for graduate school.  Of interest Independence Hall and a building where the founders drafted the Declaration of Independence. And the Museum of Illusions! . . . back home in St. Louis Jack injured himself on a bike trail trying to avoid a deer.  One of our dogs Milo had corrective leg surgery. . . . (Meghan) Michael volunteered at the Wildlife Rehab Clinic in High Ridge MO.,  with tales of a large enclosure for raccoons employees can play with them. Photos of baby racoon, coyote and opossum.   Michael traveled a usual trip to Chicago with high school friends (enjoying dipping feet in Lake Michigan, the Art Museum).  Then with new Mizzou friends to Arizona staying with the friend’s relatives. . . . . Michael left for sophomore year at University of Missouri at Columbia (Mizzou).  . . . . . . . .. . Laura’s father Randall Parks passed away in mid July.  Many of you know he struggled with brain and heart conditions.  Thank you to Delmar Gardens South for their care since May 2022.  Thank you to Chapel Hill Mortuary for (as wished) short private Family Farewell. Photos graciously shared on this site with wife Margarita’s permission . . . . . and then the lovely trail materials alcove in a park very close to wife Margarita’s home. Where we chose to spread some of Randall’s ashes.  Under a young sycamore tree.  Randall loved hiking in woods so resting there was appropriate.

Update 6/16/2024

January through May: Jack and (Meghan)Michael returned to school at end of winter break. Miscellaneous photos of pets.  Mom’s weekend at University of Tulsa.  Michael turned 19 years old!  University of Missouri (Mizzou) goings on for Michael and classmates of Environmental Science.  Jack won an award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in Physics.  Jack’s photo used in the Department’s website.  Jack graduated from Tulsa with an MS in Physics and Applied Mathematics with Biomed minor.  Jack with many of his Kappa Alpha brothers. 

Update 2/3/2024

October-November-December: Scott and Laura visited Jack for Tulsa’s homecoming.  Laura and brother Randy went to a KISS concert here in St. Louis.(Laura knew all songs except four.)  (Meghan)Michael continues to do well at Mizzou studying environmental science.  See the beekeeping and prescribed burns photos. Lots of new and old friends also. Michael in the waiting room of the pediatrician who will see him through college years.

(continued) . . . our backyard which is pretty but photos taken to celebrate the deck railings being replaced from damage 8/22.   Laura’s parents at Delmar Gardens South where Randall resides.  Laura had a birthday but we forgot to take photos so here is her birthday snowglobe.  Laura’s brother Randy and some family visited.  Jack and Michael home for a month for winter break.  The Shaw Christmas in Champaign Illinois.  Miscellaneous pet photos.

Update 1/28/2024

July-August-September:  Our baby went off to college; we are now empty nesters!  (Meghan)Michael is now a freshman at the University of Missouri (Mizzou) to study Environmental Science.  The entire dorm is gender neutral and the campus vibe is very inclusive.  Scott’s half brother John got married to Taly where they live in Chicago.  Laura’s older brother Randy and family visited us, with grandkids Blake and new baby brother August.  Jack started up his senior year at Tulsa, he is a physics and applied mathematics major/biomed minor looking to attend graduate school for medical training. He’s enjoying life in Kappa Alpha fraternity.  The photo of the Tulsa “welcome new students” banner if you look closely has a photo of Jack.  He worked as a student ambassador.  Miscellaneous photos of the pets who continue to amuse us.

Update 7/16/2023

April-May-June 2023: Meghan dressed for Anime convention as a human form of My Little Pony, “Vinyl Scratch.”  Meghan at her last duties as Crew Director.   Scott’s birthday! Laura’s brothers in town to visit the parents.  Doggie playdate with our brother dogs and their mom, Molly, always arranged around Mother’s Day.  Meghan’s last classroom guitar lesson with Lindbergh Guitar Club, and teacher Mike F. who she started with summer of 2011. (See photo of her on drums). Prom with friends Olivia and Keira.  Meghan worked her 8th election as a pollworker now election judge AND was old enough to vote!  Congratulations Meghan on your high school graduation, Summa Cum Laude. Good luck in your studies in Environmental Science at University of Missouri (Mizzou) in the fall.

January-February-March 2023:

Family health issues (Laura’s parents, our younger child Meghan, contact Laura with questions) took priority the first half of 2023.  But now we are back!  Meghan had a drawing displayed with the Young Artists at the St. Louis Artists’ Guild and also was the awarded Excellence in Art (2-D), an honor only one LHS art student senior receives.  She also continued as Crew Director for school plays.  A classmate drew a portrait of her playing guitar.  Scott and Laura attended (Jack’s) Kappa Alpha’s Mom’s Weekend at University of Tulsa.  One of our dogs, Milo, had surgery on his foot, to correct how his basset genes give him unique but odd/arthritic feet.

Update 1/30/2023

October-November-December 2022: Several nice photos of Randall (Laura’s dad) with Meghan, Jack and Randy.  (See 2003 toddler Jack photo, we re-created the same pose with Randall 19 years later!)  Meghan going to an animae convention as “Calne Ca Miku”.  (Long blue hair),. Scott spent Dad’s weekend in Tulsa with Jack. Meghan was accepted to the University of Missouri at Columbia! (Mizzou), she will study Environmental Science.  Meghan got a new car – see red Honda Civic.  Scott had knee replacement surgery.  Jack got his pectus bar removed.

(Continued)  Jack home for winter break. (Junior year Tulsa).  Meghan directed the crew for the fall high school play.  Laura’s 56th birthday spent with friends, whose teen son had same birthday, we celebrated riding go karts!  Meghan at doctor appointment Children’s Hospital, (butterfly motif worthy of note.)  Shaw Christmas in Champaign Illinios – Jack and Meghan on Santa’s lap (Tyler L.) Playing with very fuzzy cat along with little Norah Shaw and (Chicago) Jack Charles Shaw.  Scott with his cousin Chip Shaw.

Update 1/17/2023

July-August-September: Again, please keep Randall Parks in your prayers, he is in hospice.  Lots going on 3rd quarter 2022:  Fourth of July parade Champaign Illinois with Scott’s extended family.  Cardinal’s baseball game for Scott and Jack.  Jack went to Disneyworld with Lauren and her family.  Laura’s college friends from University of Illinois Class of 1989 had weekend in Cincinnati (Covington) at beautiful air bnb with tour of Basilica, distillery and Reds baseball game. 

(Continued)  Laura’s mom Margarita’s birthday.  Jack went back to Tulsa for his Junior year, majoring in Physics and Applied Mathmatics with Biomed minor (hopes to do research.)  Meghan’s parking space at school (started her Senior year high school) she painted with cartoon icon for band My Chemical Romance, a fundraiser “Paint your Space” for the school. Laura’s brother David and nieces visited from Chico, CA.  Meghan at a guitar lesson.  Scott with college friends at Guys Weekend his brother James’ house in Naperville IL.   Meghan worked the polls again.  Scott and Laura at a winery.  Randall and Margarita Parks enjoy the sunshine.  Miscellaneous pet photos.  

Update 11/26/2022

April-May-June: Second quarter 2022 is a long time coming, our apologies.  Laura’s dad Randall Parks needed to go into skilled nursing/memory care which took time finding the right place etc.  Please keep him in your prayers.  Laura’s brothers David visited from Chico, CA and Randy from Iowa City, IA to show support and help ease the family’s transition.  Meghan visited University of Tulsa with Scott.  She also participated on guitar in Lindbergh High School’s Musicthon.  As is custom. she attended an Animae convention dressed as characters:  The album cover of My Chemical Romance (Black Parade)’s iconic parade leader.  And then Johnny Joester, aka JoJo.  Meghan is finishing out Junior Year of high school with friends at Prom and a concert and Pride St. Louis.  She did fantastic on the ACT and will apply to college in the fall.  Then random photos of our pets and a climbing rose on our front porch.


January-February-March: First quarter 2022!  Meghan got her driver’s license!  A little delayed because of covid, but successfully. Meals at Laura’s parents house when Jack visited home on winter and spring breaks.  He brought his friend Lauren with him.    Meghan turned 17!!  Jack’s fraternity Kappa Alpha had “Mom’s Weekend” so Laura and Scott visited.  Jack’s group took the mom’s to a paint and sip wine place where they created stunning depictions of the moon over water.  Laura at the “Center of the Universe” which is an acoustic anomaly in Tulsa where sounds are magnified.

Update 2/13/2022

October-November-December: Meghan carves a pumpkin while our dogs watch!  She also again participated on the crew of the high school play.  Jack and Meghan’s school photos (Jack sophomore at Univ. of Tulsa, fraternity Kappa Alpha order, Meghan a junior at Lindbergh High School).  We took Meghan to visit the University of Missouri at Columbia (“Mizzou”)  Misc. photos of Jack at school activities.  One of our beloved guitar teachers Duke Michalak retired and moved to Arizona.  Laura’s 55th birthday.  Scott and Laura travelled to Nashville to see a concert by Joe Wooten and the Hands of Soul.  Christmas morning in the Shaw home.

Update 11/28/2021

July-August-September: Laura and Scott celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Jack and Meghan lighting fireworks.  Visiting James and Charity and boys in Naperville, IL.  Scott and Laura attended the double funeral at Arlington National Cemetery for her Uncle Rowland and Aunt Vel. (see photo circa 1969 uncle Rowland with toddler Laura.)  A large sycamore tree behind the house fell during a windstorm.  Old lightening damage the cause.  The entire deck railings will be replaced.  Jack went back to the University of Tulsa for his sophomore year.

Update 9/6/2021

April-May-June: Meghan helped as a poll worker again for an April election.  And participated in another Anime Cartoon Convention; see her various costumes for the 3 day event.  She participated again as a set designer for Lindbergh High School plays, this time for “Puffs”  (Harry Potter themed.)  She and her longtime friend Lauren worked on sets – they sit together in the cast gathering.  Meghan made National Honor Society! The ceremony had to be virtual and the kids were masked up.  (See Lauren with her, both masked.)  For kicks we threw in a photo of Meghan and Lauren as small children together in sports.  Laura and Scott celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary!!  Also saw a local band with friend Chris.  The band is called Mom’s Kitchen and their percussionist (wearing green hat onstage) is our electrician.  The Shaws gathered at Laura’s parents’ house for Randall’s birthday and also Father’s Day.  Random photos of Jack after finishing a charity run at Tulsa, etc.  Random photo of our 3 cats.

Update 5/9/2021

January-February-March: Meghan turned 16!  Happy birthday to her.  We started the total gutting and renovation of our kitchen which we have wanted for many, many years.  Next quarter you will see the finished product.  Meghan has been busy helping on the crew of Lindbergh play productions “Anything Goes” and “Puffs.”  Lots of random photos of our dogs.  We took Meghan and her friend Bella to the Art Museum.

Update 1/24/2021

October-November-December: The last part of 2020!  A few professional photos of Scott and Laura.   Leaf blowing and dog goofing off in the backyard.  Halloween pumpkin carving.  Meghan influenced by cartoon anime in her art attended a party as “Tanjiro Kamado the main character in the Japanese anime show Demon Slayer.” (Cartoon character shown for reference.)  Meghan volunteered as a poll worker (security officer) at the November 3rd election.  Laura turned 54, see her helpful show of hand finger counts.  Jack zooming from the University of Tulsa with Laura’s parents.  The Shaws in front of the Christmas tree.

Update 11/29/2020

July-August-September: Jack went off to college!  He is attending the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma.  As of this writing he is double majoring in Engineering Physics and Applied Mathematics with a minor in Biomedical Engineering.  He’s going to try to take some music theory for fun also before he graduates.  Yay!  Go Jack!  We stuck in a photo of Laura with Jack in late 2001 and October 2002 for nostalgia’s sake.   See also photos of Jack with a couple of friends who stopped by and with his sister Meghan who did not take long to make his room her center piece of awesomeness.  Then random photos of Laura and Scott in the backyard, Meghan playing guitar at the condo and leftover photo from May of Meghan in the car during the graduation parade.

Update 8/30/2020

April-May-June:  Scott turned 50 on his birthday!  Yay for him!  We celebrated Easter on our backyard patio finding Easter candy among the landscaping.   Jack’s track team photo. (no season, due to pandemic.)  Lindbergh high school had a parade to honor all the graduating seniors.  Scott, Laura, Meghan and Jack piled into our car and were part of it.  JACK GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL!  Lindbergh’s ceremony took place curbside and was magnificent.  See this video, at the 1:40 point, (1 hour 40 minutes) there is a girl getting her diploma, Jack is the next student to walk across the stage and receive his.  Dr. Eric Cochran is principal and is very fond of Jack.  Congratulations Jack!    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT6evldbk-M

Update 5/31/2020

January-February-March: From now on we’ll update our photos in a quarterly fashion.  (We don’t take as many photos as in the past.)  So, behold photos of our visit with Laura’s mom to the St. Louis Art Museum.  Jack played guitar (and a little banjo) in the orchestra pit for Lindbergh High School’s performance run of Cabaret.  His friend Mary played upright bass.  Happy 15th birthday to Meghan!!  Jack had jazz ensemble gigs at University of Missouri – St. Louis campus and also Rolling Meadows IL (Chicago) jazz festival.  He was recognized as outstanding musician.  A random photo of two of our cats.  Jack went on spring break with a friend’s family to Miramar Beach, Florida.  Scott and Laura went to 1980’s music inspired dance “Under the Sea” that raised money for the Lindbergh orchestra.

Update 1/4/2020

December:  The Shaw gathering in Champaign IL.  The Parks parents with Scott.  Laura’s 53rd birthday cheesecake and also a random photo on the porch.  The kids played in the backyard with the dogs in the snow.

November: Jack turned 18!!  He also finished his last cross-country season with an awards banquet.  He got awarded “Most Inspirational.”  Meghan got a root beer float at Fitz’s a new-ish restaurant near our home.  A couple of random photos of our dogs.

October: Jack and friend Mary carved pumpkins.  Meghan went as a panda bear trick-or-treating.  Jack went to a Halloween party as Slash from Guns N’ Roses.  Jack and Mary went to Homecoming together.  Meghan went with a group of friends. 

Update: 11/2/2019

September:  Jack’s cross country team.  Jack and Meghan practicing guitar.  Dogs in more sunshine.

August:  Laura and Scott’s 30 year college (Univ. of Illinois) reunion held at Crystal Lake Brewery, IL. Pat H. and Scott are very happy.  Chicago’s Wrigley field with Scott attending a game with coworkers.  Meghan walking home from the school bus.  Dogs in sunshine.

July: Jack and Meghan lit sparklers and contemplated our country’s freedom.  One of our cats inside a grocery bag, then chewing on Laura and Scott’s 23rd anniversary flowers.  Jack with his friend Eric S. after getting their senior photos taken for the yearbook.  Jack got a new guitar, a Schecter 7-string.  Laura’s brother Randy and family visited from Iowa.

Update: 10/20/2019

June: Random cat photos.  Fathers day; Laura’s dad with Scott.  Meghan and Scott hang out at St. Louis Pride parade.  Our dogs watching from the far corner of our yard, look close on either side of the birdbath.  Meghan will not be continuing in orchestra on viola, but we get to keep it!  Scott and his friend Chris B. go up yearly to Naperville IL to visit his brother James and a few friends.

Update: 7/16/2019

May: May, an insanely busy month.  Meghan attended her 8th grade dance.  (See her shoes which I weatherproof sprayed along with Jack’s dress shoes I realized our kids are growing up!)  Meghan’s final orchestra performance on viola.  Jack and Meghan with Mr. Mike Franzel head of the Lindbergh Guitar Club that started their interest.  Guitar club had a group performance which beforehand Jack and Meghan goofed off playing a little Pink Floyd’s “Is There Anybody Out There?” – see https://youtu.be/5-HJZVXKyeM.   Jack’s jazz ensemble performance at Highway 61 Roadhouse, - see his solo on https://youtu.be/vMQ3JxS27u0.  (There’s crowd noise but you can get the gist.)  Jack kept in shape with a few weeks of summer track through a city team.  The GREAT DOG REUNION – Mason and Milo met up at a Wentzville dog park to see their mom Molly (formerly Lady) and Molly’s owners other dog Maggie.  Much fun was had!

Update: 6/15/2019

April: We went to an exhibit at the Science Center about the history of guitars.  We all play so it was awesome!  More science center fun like move the ball with your brainwaves.  Jack and Meghan looked for easter candy on the back patio.  Our dogs didn’t get any.  Jack had many gigs with the Lindbergh Jazz Ensemble.

Update: 4/27/2019

March: Meghan turned 14!  Meghan playing some acoustic guitar with Scott.  Miscellaneous photos of the pets.  (Which guess what?  We got a third cat!  Welcome little girl Willow! From your cat brothers Augi and Armani and your dog brothers Mason and Milo!)   Meghan playing viola in the 8th grade orchestra spring concert.

February:  Jack and Meghan did a Van Gogh puzzle together.  Miscellaneous photos of the pets.  Jack played guitar in the pit for Lindbergh High School’s performance run of “Legally Blonde.”

January 2019: The kids and dogs took advantage of heavy snowfall.  Sledding in backyard and much shenanigans.  More cute photos inside.

Update: 1/21/2019

December 2018: Another peek a boo from Armani.  Laura’s birthday bouquet plus posing with the kids.  Mighty little end table Christmas tree.  Christmas at the extended Shaw family in Champaign:  Senior generation present that night Chuck & Connie Shaw, Steve Shaw & Jessica LaRosa, Chris Langendorf with Ed, Kath McKenzie & Dan, and Mike Shaw.  Middle aged generation present Chip & Gina Shaw, Dan & Cindy Ditchfield , James & Charity Shaw, Scott & Laura Shaw, John Shaw, Ben & Anglia Langendorf, Matt Langendorf,, Jeremy & Jennifer Shaw, Katie Shaw with Eric.  Children present that night Jack & Julia Shaw, Nick & Luke Ditchfield, Gavyn Owen and Finn Shaw, Jack and Meghan Shaw, Austin Coleton Langendorf with Piper and Paige, Tyler & Jenna Langendorf, Jameson Shaw, Jacob & Nora Shaw.

Update: 1/13/2019

November 2018: Laura, Jack and Meghan raking leaves in the backyard as seen from the little balcony we built off the bedroom last year.  We shared a birthday cheesecake sampler for Jack’s 17th birthday (!)   Random pet photos.

October 2018:  Our four pets have fully integrated into a loving group of critters.  Witness kitten Armani in what looks like peek a boo.  Dog Mason and Armani watch through the front window.  Dog Milo sits and contemplates life for the camera.  Kitten Augi not pictured this month.  Stage shot of local Led Zepplin cover band Celebration Day, which Scott and Laura went to see.  Meghan in full panda costume at her fall concert.  Carving pumpkins and Meghan with some neighborhood kids before trick or treating.


Update: 12/16/2018

September: Jack got his driver’s license!  He’s been 16 for a while but couldn’t fit in drivers ed till summer.  Jack’s photo was featured on one of the high school’s pole flags displaying the many good character traits.  He represents “responsibility.”   Our kittens are getting comfortable in our home and becoming friends with our dogs.  We attended Sunday Night Lights, Meghan held a snake and chameleon.  Jack, Austin and Jon went to homecoming with their dates.

Update: 11/11/2018

August:  We are well into visiting college campuses for Jack.  This is Laura and Meghan at a University of Missouri campus store.  We adopted two kittens!  Brothers Augi (black collar) and Armani (red collar).  Jack ran another season of cross country for Lindbergh High School.  He also played his first freelance gig as a guitarist in the music pit for the Archway kids drama club.  Returning from the first day of school off the bus, Meghan.  (Jack has cross country practice after school.)

Update: 9/15/2018

July:  We stayed home for 4th of July, mainly because Jack takes summer school classes and can’t miss any.  (This summer it was drivers ed and a P.E. class.)  So here are a few pictures of Jack and Meghan lighting small fireworks in our back patio.  Yay for America!

June:  Father’s Day!  Laura’s dad Randall Parks was honored with a Shaw visit and lounge on his and Margarita’s couch.   Then behold!  The Shaw children wash their dogs Mason and Milo.  And Scott sits in repose with Milo; a study of man and his dog.

Update; 7/4/2018

May:  Jack played a duet with Grandma Shaw at their home in Urbana Illinois over Memorial  Day weekend.  Meghan got Confirmed (7th grade) at St. Catherine Laboure catholic church.  Laura’s mother Margarita was her sponsor/godmother, also in attendance was Laura’s brother Randy standing in for godfather David in Chico CA.  Meghan’s last orchestra concert of the year.  Miscellaneous photos of our basset/beagle mix pups Mason and Milo.  They are a year and a half old.

April:  Jack wound up his jazz ensemble gigs.  He also attended his National Honor Society induction ceremony.

Update; 3/26/2018

March:  The Shaws go to Washington DC! : Laura’s aunt and uncle (Marta, Ramon), White House, museums, monuments, zoo, Arlington National Cemetery to honor Laura’s deceased loved ones Rowland, Eva and Jacqueline Parks.  The Shaws also dropped in on the March for our Lives rally on Pennsylvania avenue, see them with lots of other people:  https://youtu.be/GSjIndxMJU0  Other misc. photos are of Jack’s jazz ensemble gig and Meghan celebrating turning 13!!

Update; 3/18/2018

February:  Jack’s jazz ensemble at a local college (Lindenwood) Jazz Festival.  Jack playing guitar in the orchestra pit for his school’s performances of “9 to 5.”  Meghan with friend Lauren fellow violist playing at their winter orchestra performance.

Here is a really awesome link to (length 4:37) of the Lindbergh Thespian club’s preparation for their performance run of “9 to 5.”  Jack is featured several times to different degrees. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-BGHx3DvUU

Here is a link to Jack playing with the ensemble at Lindenwood Jazz Festival:  https://youtu.be/7gA-aYpcnEI


Update; 2/4/2018

January 2018: Jack playing guitar with his high school jazz ensemble at the Grandel Theatre in downtown St. Louis.

December: We visited Scott’s extended family in Champaign Illinois for Christmas: See Jack and Meghan on Santa’s lap.  Aunt Cathy and cousin Katie showing Meghan how to use hair curlers.  James and Charity’s boys with Jack and Meghan at Grandpa and Grandma Shaw’s house.  SEE JACK PLAY SWEET HOME ALABAMA https://youtu.be/fRVNob55KDE. A walk around the university campus and photo by Alma Mater statue.  Our dogs Milo and Mason and with Laura in the downstairs mancave.  Laura playing bass guitar.  Meghan and her viola, then at the orchestra’s winter concert.  Academic All Stars for Meghan.  Meghan and her friend Lauren helping rake leaves at church, enjoying leaf pile.

Update; 12/27/2017

November: We don’t have many photos this month.  Jack turned 16!  He is learning to drive on a permit, he will take driver’s ed this summer.  He is doing well in the 10th grade.   Meghan made academic All-Stars.  She is in 7th grade.  Our dogs Mason and Milo continue to enliven things around here.

Update; 12/10/2017

October:  Laura’s niece Whitney and her baby Blake visited from Iowa.   Meghan played viola at the middle school fall concert.  The dogs are now one year old, Mason and Milo our basset/beagle mixes.  Jack and Meghan carved pumpkins.  Meghan went trick or treating with friends, she dressed as a woodland huntress (similar to Katniss from the Hunger Games.)  Jack  went to a Halloween party as Jack the Ripper.  (we googled the never found serial killer of 1840’s east London prostitutes in case he was asked.)

Update; 11/12/2017

September:  Jack started 10th grade and Meghan 7th grade!  We had a school district related party at our house and dressed up our dogs in green and yellow bandanas, the district colors.  Jack went to homecoming dance with his special friend Dayle.  Her mother helped with the boutonniere and Jack helped the other boys tie their ties.  Jack began the season with the JV Lindbergh cross country team.

Update; 10/1/2017

August: The Shaws visited Destin, Florida:   Flight to Pensacola then drive east to the Destin resort.  Beautiful white sand and clear blue green water.  Boardwalk, Irish pub with dollar bills on the walls and ceiling, novelty shop, some kind of heron – like bird, Margaritaville pub overlooking the bay into the Gulf of Mexico.  We enjoyed our visit very much!

Update; 9/4/2017

July: Fun with sparklers and small fireworks in the back patio!  Goofy antenna on the dogs!  Our dogs resting in the mancave.  Scott and his friend Chris visited James in Naperville Illinois for a beer festival.  Laura and the kids enjoyed a friend’s pool that had a flamingo floaty.  Jack and Meghan went fishing with their friends Keagan and Cailin.  Scott and Laura took Jack to see a Santana concert at the Fox theater in downtown St. Louis. 

Update; 8/13/2017

June: Meghan went on a school sponsored trip to the Grand Tetons, Wyoming.  She stayed at a camp for kids that encourages study of the natural sciences.  They got to visit Mt. Rushmore on the way.  Laura’s dad Randall celebrated a milestone birthday with family from Iowa.  The puppies Mason and Milo are now 8 months old and doing great!  (Mason wears the red collar, Milo the black.)  We don’t have a lot of June photos so behold, the flowers in our front flowerbed.

Update; 7/26/2017

May: Jack participated in his first season of track, and did quite well.  Scott and Laura took Jack (along with one of his guitar teachers Mike F.) to a Roger Waters concert, enjoy the lasers creating the logo from Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album.  Meghan had her last of the school year orchestra concert.  Chris Livesay was her director who will be moving to Champaign IL to take a position at the University of Illinois.  Miscellaneous photo of Meghan with 7 month old Mason.  We visited Scott’s extended family (James and family from Naperville IL), Steve & Jessica for Memorial Day weekend in Champaign Il.

Update; 7/12/2017

April:  Jack’s played guitar with the Lindbergh High School jazz lab.  See photos from one of their gigs, this one at the University of Missouri at St Louis Jazz Festival.  Also see the link to a spontaneous solo at a high school commons fundraiser https://youtu.be/VKMHcS3D30E.  We connected with the owners of our puppies Milo and Mason’s mother Molly and met at a dog park.  Molly is a full basset hound and very sweet.  (We also are connected with the siblings Max and Mario.  There is also Mabel.)  Miscellaneous kitchen play photos.

Update; 3/25/2017

March: The puppies are doing well.  In March they were 5 months old and about 20 pounds each.  Jack went to a 9th grade school dance with his buddies.  (In the group photo, Jack is second from the left in a grey shirt.)  Laura’s niece from Iowa, Whitney and husband Brett visited and brought their new baby Blake.  Meghan turned 12 years old!  Jack attended his end of season basketball team banquet.  He also played viola in one of his last school orchestra concerts.  Here is a link to the puppies playing:  https://youtu.be/HDxkrPa-EX4


Update; 3/25/2017

February: We adopted two bassett/beagle mix puppies!  Milo and Mason are brothers from the  same litter.  (Mario the brown one went to another family but we are in touch.  We have a playdate with the mother coming up soon!)  Here they are playing in our backyard:  https://youtu.be/UOk7y8xcb2g   Other photos:  Jack with his jazz lab at a Chicago competition where they won first place in their category.  Meghan playing viola in her school orchestra.  Scott and Meghan went to a daddy daughter valentine dance.  Jack finished up playing basketball for his 9th grade Lindbergh High School.

Update; 2/2/2017

January: The Shaws visited Florida!  Technically our trip was the week after Christmas but our travel home day was on 1/1/17.  (The temp that day was 80 degrees but mostly it was in the upper 60s, lower 70s.)  We landed in Orlando, then stayed in Cocoa Beach and visited the Kennedy Space Center.  Then to Melbourne where we visited old friends who moved from St. Louis and now live there.  (the Weidenhoeft family, see photo of David and Jack.  Rick and Michelle nice to spend time with you.)  Then it was basically just time spent enjoying the beach. 

Update; 1/16/2017

December:  Jack and Meghan’s winter orchestra performances.  Laura’s birthday – she  turned 50!  (as evidenced by the balloons.)  Meghan made academic all stars – she’s  toward the right of photo, second row in a gray sweater.  Christmas party at Jack’s guitar teacher Duke’s home.  Laura joined the fa- la- la- backups to acoustic holiday live music.

Update 1/2/2017

November:  We visited Scott’s dad Steve and stepmom Jessica in Champaign Illinois for Thanksgiving.  Scott’s brother James, wife Charity and boys were there too.  Their sons are Gavyn, Owen and Finn.  Charity and Laura enjoyed playing with one of the boys’ early Christmas gift of Legos.  Jack turned 15!!  No he has not gotten his driver’s permit yet.  He needs to finish reading the rules of the road first.  Meghan made academic all stars.  Jack made the Lindbergh High School freshman basketball team.

Update 11/26/2016

October:  Carving Halloween pumpkins.  Scott took the kids on a hike in Shaw Nature Reserve.  Meghan cheered at a high school football  game as part of her clinic put on by the high school cheerleaders.  Scott attended a conference in Seattle.

September: Jack went to Lindbergh High School Homecoming dance with friends Alex, Luke, Jon and Austin.  Other groups met them there and they had a great time!

Update 10/16/2016

August: The extended Parks family gathered at Scott and Laura’s house to celebrate Margarita’s birthday (and nieces Stephanie and Whitney’s birthdays.)  Parks breakdown:  Randall and Margarita live in St. Louuis and area parents of Laura.  Randy is brother of Laura, lives in Iowa City.  Wife is Darla.  His daughter is Taylor, stepdaughers Whitney and Stephanie.  Small children are Steph’s.  Whitney’s one on the way has since been born, beautiful baby girl.  Joel is stepson.  David is brother of Laura, lives in Chico California.  Wife is Jen.  Daughters are Lola and Phoebe.  Also some miscellaneous photos of Meghan and friend Lauren at Six Flags.  Some back from school photos – Jack  started 9th grade, Meghan started 6th grade.

Update 9/18/2016

July: Laura, Jack and Meghan with small fireworks, sparklers and bubbles in the front yard on 4th of July.  20th wedding anniversary for Scott and Laura!  Meghan took swim lessons at the YMCA and also Whitecliff pool.  Siblings in summer:  Jack and Meghan taking a walk down our street.


Update 8/21/2016

June: Scott and friends Chris B. and Charles W. visited his brother James and family in Rockford Illinois.  (Campfires, playing guitar and general relaxing.)  Jack had surgery to correct pectus excavatum, an irregularity in the sternum causing issues with proper heart function.  The corrective bar will be removed in three years.  Jack and Meghan Shaw were included in promotional posters for Lindbergh Summer Enrichment Guitar Club.  (Meghan playing onstage with Jack also onstage in the background.)   Meghan did a cheerleading camp with the high school cheerleaders.

Update 7/4/2016

May: The end of the school year!  Jack attended his 8th grade recognition ceremony.  He also got his braces off his teeth, see the photos of him with balloons.   Jack went with Savannah to the 8th grade dance.  (See the group effort put into attaching his boutonniere.)  Meghan attended her 5th grade DARE (drug abuse resistance education) graduation.  She also received the Triple Crown Award for good grades, good level of physical fitness and over 75 hours of volunteer work during the school  year.   Jack played his final season of Lindbergh Athletic Association spring soccer.  Both Jack and Meghan performed onstage at the Lindbergh Spirit Festival.

Update 5/30/2016

April: The kids and Scott coloring Easter eggs.  Jack playing guitar with his ensemble at the Lindbergh Night of Jazz and also University of Missouri St. Louis Jazz Festival.  His director Brian Wyss can be seen in some of the photos.

March: Some overlooked photos of Scott and Meghan at a valentines dance.  Meghan turned 11 years old!  Photos of her choir performance.  Jack and Meghan at guitar club lesson.  Meghan hiding in a box.

Update 1//2016

January: Jack continuing his 8th grade season with the Lindbergh Junior Flyer basketball team. 

February:  Jack finishing out his season with the Junior Flyers.  Thank you coaches Ebert, Gibbs and Wolf.  Meghan participated in a cheerleading camp.  Scott and Laura went along as chaperones to Jack’s jazz ensemble trip to Chicago. Click here to see Jack play his solo on the song “Madrid”  : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=9531871F5DAF3E8E!2772&authkey=!AGIVKobkypdnRe8&ithint=video%2cwmv

Update 1//2016

December: Jack and Meghan ice skating for the first time.  Both kids’ holiday performances with jazz ensemble and orchestra.  Meghan attended her first Mixer at the Crestwood Community Center.  We visited Scott’s extended family in Champaign Illinois for Christmas.  Jack playing guitar with his uncle John.

November: Jack turned 14!  Scott and Jack went on a hike with friends.  Laura plays a little bit of bass guitar.  Both kids honored at the Academic All Stars.  The Shaws visited downtown Chicago over Thanksgiving:  Flew there, stayed downtown, saw the Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum and Willis (formerly Sears) tower.  Laura is not a fan of heights.

Update 12/22/2015

October: The kids in Halloween costumes and carving pumpkins.  Meghan participated in Sunday Night Lights, an event helping kids with cancer.  Jack played a season of soccer.  We gave Jack an early birthday present – a 12 string guitar!

September: The kids at Grants Farm parakeet enclosure.  Scott visited his brother James in Rockford Illinois.  He also participated in a work-related Tough Mudder event which is 10 miles of insanity as you will see from the photos!

Update 10/11/2015

August: We visited Scott’s brother James and his family in Rockford Illinois.  This included bonfires and a trip to the local waterpark.  Jack and Meghan enjoyed time with their cousins!

July:  We visited Scott’s extended family in Champaign Illinois for 4th of July.  The kids at Grandpa and Grandma Shaw’s house, in a canoe on the lake behind their house.  The parade that goes through University of Illinois campus:  Jack and squirt guns with his second cousins.  Aunt Kath’s pool gathering.

June: Scott at an IT Conference stopping to pose with a Star Wars storm trooper.  Meghan participated in a Lindbergh Flyerette camp.  Our friends from Germany came to the U.S. and stopped in St. Louis to spend time with us.  (Scott met Chris R. in 1995 during a study fellowship at the University of Regensberg.)  Laura and Meghan received their 2nd degree black belts (Meghan not continuing, Laura staying on to teach the forms to the youngest students.) 

Update 6/7/2015

May:  Jack completed Confirmation at St. Catherine Laboure church.  Meghan at gymnastics class.  Jack had soccer.  Jack and Meghan’s orchestra performances.  Both of them at the high school’s Spirit Festival playing guitar onstage with their club:  Classic rock songs, see this link for glimpse of Meghan and Jack doing solo to Hotel California      https://youtu.be/Y_KUzFXj23Q              

April:  Easter at Champaign IL with Scott’s family Steve and Jessica.   Brothers John and James (Charity and boys too) were there.  Jack and Meghan played guitar with their club at a high school charity event.  Meghan took swim lessons.  Meghan and Laura at tae kwon do.

March:  Meghan turned 10 years old!  Also some photos of us sledding at Art Hill which is in front of the St. Louis Art Museum.  Jack’s basketball team group photo.

Update 4/19/2015

February: Jack finished another season of Lindbergh Junior Flyer Basketball.  Coaches Ebert and Wolf had many good things to say about Jack’s development as a player.

Update 2/22/2015

January: Miscellaneous photo from Christmas at Laura’s parents’ house.  Jack and Meghan did some sledding in the backyard.  We’ve got more of a hill since the addition was completed.  Not a whole lot else was going on.  Jack’s playing basketball and Meghan’s doing a little gymnastics at the Y but sorry no photos yet of this.

December: Meghan made a fireplace out of cardboard for the Ipad which ran the “fireplace” app.  Laura’s birthday flowers from Scott.  Meghan helping Margarita Parks set up a Christmas display.  Meghan plays viola in the district orchestra, they had a holiday concert.  Jack received his 3rd degree black belt in tae kwon do.  He will get the certificate in February but will not continue past then. (Jack has time for basketball and guitar.)  Meghan with her Monster High playset she got for Christmas.  Jack and Meghan by the tree, (outfits from Jessica LaRosa and Steve Shaw, thank you!)


Update 12/27/2014

November: Jack turned 13!!!  He and his sister goofed off with a dolly they found in the garage.  Jack and some neighborhood boys went for a walk.  Jack and Meghan’s 7th and 4th grade photos.  Jack played soccer with his LAA team and coach Matt S.

October: Jack and Meghan in a big pile of leaves in our backyard.  Dressed in their Halloween costumes, Meghan a policewoman and Jack some kind of ghoul.  Scott guided the carving of the pumpkins.


Update 11/16/2014

September: Scott visited his brother James in Rockford, IL with friends Chris B. and Travis W.  They went to the local pretzel festival.  Meghan took a couple of photos using a creative color/black and white setting on Scott’s phone.  Meghan at Grant’s Farm.  We went to Sunday Night Lights and Meghan got her photo taken with Rams cheerleaders before her choir singing the national anthem.  She also got to perform with her cheerleading and Flyerette dance groups.  Jack is dressed as a “greaser” from the book The Outsiders which his class read in school and they had to come to school dressed as one of the book’s characters.

August: Laura’s parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  For that occasion her brothers David and Randy visited from Chico, CA and Cedar Rapids, IA with their kids.  See the photos of David’s girls with Jack and Meghan at the zoo, arch, Grants Farm paddle boats and art museum.  Meghan on her first day of 4th grade.  (Jack started 7th grade.)


Update 8/16/2014

July: A few Fourth of July photos.  The Shaws VISITED NORTHERN CALIFORNIA! : Santa Rosa visit with Scott’s cousin Lisa, her husband Jerry, daughter Jessica and granddaughter Renee.  Then the Charles Schulz Museum.  Up to Fort Bragg and enjoyed the beach and visited Scott’s uncle Denny, cousin Kevin and his wife Vicky.  Kevin took us to a beach not many tourists knew of, near Westport.  Up to Arcata and visited the Redwood National Forest and also Clam Beach which was chilly!  Then through mountains east to Chico and visited Laura’s brother David, wife Jen and daughters Lola and Phoebe.  We all went up to Lassen Volcanic National Park and attempted to climb Lassen Peak.  We did almost reach 9,000 ft. elevation but were happy with that.  Then back to Chico for ice cream.  Back to Sacramento to fly home.

Update 8/9/2014

June: A busy June for the Shaws.  Meghan participated in both the Lindbergh Flyerette dance camp and also the Cheerleading camp.  Jack did a tennis camp.  This was the first time he picked up a racket and learned very well how to play.  Jack also played with his Guitar Club with his teacher’s band at a gig at Sunset Hills Pool.  Jack’s friend David W. visited from Florida and Nathan H. joined them.  Meghan goofs off in the kiddie pool while Jack looks on.

Update 7/13/2014

May: Jack played some flag football at the south county YMCA.  Jack’s last orchestra (viola) performance of 6th grade.   Meghan waiting for grandparents Randall and Margarita Parks to come pick her up.  Mother’s Day outing, lunch at Hodack’s, an excellent fried chicken place.

Update 6/14/2014

April:  Meghan’s swim classes.  Scott and the kids coloring Easter eggs.  An Easter lunch at Red Robin.  Laura’s mom Margarita Parks in photo.

March: Jack’s LAA basketball team.  Meghan turned 9!  Happy birthday to our girl.  Meghan started up swim classes at the south county YMCA.  Her friend Sydney is in the photo where they got to swim with flippers.  Miscellaneous photos of relaxing on a couch during spring break. 

Update 3/22/2014

February: Scott and Meghan attended a Daddy Daughter Valentine’s dance at the Crestwood Community Center.  Jack played basketball for his LAA team (black jerseys) as well as the Junior Flyers (green/white jerseys).  Meghan on a bench at the Butterfly House, and posing with statues at the Botanical Garden.

January 2014:  Meghan took a gymnastics class at the YMCA.  Meghan’s school project, a representation of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C.

December 2013: We visited Scott’s dad and stepmom and the Shaw extended family in Champaign Illinois for Christmas.  Laura’s brother Randy visited from Iowa, we saw the Christmas toy train exhibit at the Botanical Garden with her parents Randall and Margarita.  Meghan took part in a Christmas singing program ( the reading glasses she has on are a prop for a skit.)  The kids sledded in the backyard.  Jack’s orchestra performed their Christmas concert.  Meghan appears (orange t-shirt) in her school’s poster themed about “Respect.”

Update 1/5/2014

November 2013: Jack made the Academic All Stars, see a photo of him with the principal of his middle school.  Jack turned 12 years old!  Laura’s nieces Whitney and Taylor visited from Iowa.  Meghan with her friend Grace.  Scott, Jack and Meghan played in the leaves in our backyard.  Meghan’s friend Alex joined in.  Jack played soccer through the Lindbergh school district.

October 2013: Halloween fun:  the kids in their costumes, carving pumpkins, post trick or treating trading candy.  Miscellaneous:  some extra photos from the cheer clinic, Laura’s mom with the kids at Grant’s Farm and Jack’s orchestra performance (he plays viola.)

Update 11/29/2013

September 2013:  Meghan participated in a cheerleading clinic and got to cheer at a Lindbergh high school football game.  Scott and Meghan went to Grants Farm night, a celebration kicking off the start of the school year (Meghan began 3rd grade, Jack began 6th grade, in middle school).  Scott brought friend Chris to visit his brother James in Rockford, Illinois.  Laura’s niece Whitney got married:  in photos see Laura’s brother Randy, his wife Darla, Laura’s parents Margarita and Randall Parks. Nieces Whitney (bride), Stephanie and Taylor (bridesmaids.)  The celebration took place in a small town north of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

August 2013: The last of the photos from our Virginia Beach trip, also to the Norfolk Aquarium with Laura’s cousin Yvette.  Another afternoon we visited historic Williamsburg and Jamestown.  We visited the former home of Laura’s grandparents in Newport News, and then visited her uncle, Rowland Sr., and aunt Vel.  Then to cousin Rowland Jr.’s home.  We very  much enjoyed our visit to Virginia and look forward to seeing it again!  Scott took Jack and his friend Keagan to a Cardinals baseball game.  Meghan waiting for the bus on her first day of school.  Jack and Meghan goofing off with Jack’s old tricycle.

Update 10/26/2013

July 2013:  The Shaws visit Virginia!  We went to the Outer Banks, North Carolina and saw the Kitty Hawk memorial, spent time at Jockey’s Ridge State Park (sand dunes) and Nags Head beach.  Our motel was close to Virginia Beach so we visited there several times. (the photos with the pier.)  More trip photos will be included in our August update.  Misc. photos are of Meghan at Whitecliff pool, our 4th of July visit to Champaign (fishing with Grandpa Shaw) and of the kids practicing guitar.

Update 9/29/2013

June 2013: Meghan participated in Lindbergh’s Cheerleading camp.  Jack attended the district’s Basketball camp, see him sit with his trophies.  Jack and fellow guitar club students played during a break in their teacher’s gig at Sunset Hills pool.  Meghan posed with her (April) First Communion gifts.  The kids made creative use of Scott’s old driving glasses (Jack as Harry Potter.)  Randall and Margarita Parks took the kids to visit Bonne Terre Cave.  Our house addition is complete!  Upper level (level with street) is bedroom, closet, dining room, lower level is garage, mudroom.  Old patio demolished and replaced concrete.  Old wooden retaining wall demolished and replaced, safety railing added.  Goodbye and thank you to Oryn Construction crew!  (Till the next project.)

Update 8/10/2013

May 2013: Jack attended a Cardinals baseball game with his D.A.R.E. (drug awareness) group.  They got to walk around the field!  Meghan perfected her bike riding skills. Thank you to neighbor Julie who took last-day-of-school bus stop photos and gave us another bus stop photo from years ago, plus a couple others (see Jack and her son Tim as kindergarteners.)  Jack played flag football.  Jack joined his guitar group onstage at the Lindbergh Spirit Festival.  Jack enjoyed a week in Huntsville, Alabama at the Space Camp with his L.E.A.P. group.  We painted the interior walls of our addition and had the hardwood floor installed.  Misc. photos:  Meghan on a camel at Grant’s Farm.  Meghan and her friend Lauren at Whitecliff Park.  Climbing roses on our porch.

Update 6/30/2013

April 2013: Jack played spring flag football.  (He also played basketball over the winter, we included the team photo from  March.)  Meghan made her First Communion!  Uncle Randy and Aunt Darla visited from Iowa.  The kids take guitar lessons through the Lindbergh Guitar Club.  The house improvements are coming along, we got a new roof on our existing home.  Framing was done and drywall put up in the addition.  Laura did a lot of painting in the new rooms. 

Update 5/18/2013

March 2013:  The addition is coming along.  The rooms on the upper (ground level with street) are framed.  Concrete work is main focus.  Meghan turned 8 years old!  Jack and Meghan finished their basketball seasons.  Jack and his friend Jackson gave a private concert on their orchestra instruments.

February 2013: The addition construction was well underway.  We are adding a two car garage and mudroom on the lower level as well as demolition of old patio concrete and wooden retaining wall, to re pour new concrete and construct new retaining wall.  On upper level we are adding a kitchen extension and another bedroom and walk in closet.  Any St. Louisans interested in our architect contact LNB Architects & Designers or our general contractor Oryn Construction Services.  Meghan participated in a cheerleading clinic and also LAA basketball.  Jack also was in LAA basketball and was a special observer to the middle school Junior Flyer’s basketball team.

Update 3/30/2013

January 2013:  Meghan took part in a cheerleading camp at Lindbergh High school.  The kids’ school holiday program photos (should have been posted in December.)  Jack was a guitar playing elf and Meghan wore bear ears for a Teddy Bear Christmas song.  Meghan sat with Santa and Mrs. Claus at “Cookies with Santa” at their school.  Jack wanted no part of it.

Update 3/3/2013

December 2012: Construction on our home addition started full swing!  Jack and Meghan shoveled snow off sidewalk and driveway.  Miscellaneous photos:  Meghan at Christmas play (wearing bear ears), Scott reading to Meghan’s class, Randy Parks and family visited from Cedar Rapids, IA.

Update 12/31/12

November:  Both Jack and Meghan played soccer through Lindbergh school district.  Jack achieved Academic All Star status.  A Thanksgiving family pose.  Construction began on our house addition. 

October:  The kids enjoyed Halloween:  carving their pumpkins and their school parties.  Also going through their haul of candy after trick or treating was over.

Update 12/2/12

September:  Scott and the kids visited Steve and Jessica in Champaign, IL over Labor Day.  Scott’s brother James and his family were there also.  (Gavin had a piñata for his birthday.)  Meghan attended her friend Maria’s birthday party.  Scott at one of his database professional presentations.  We painted an accent wall in Meghan’s bedroom green.  (“Velvet Leaf”)  It looks good with her bedspread which is quilt pattern with maroon, tan and green.

August: We visited the City Museum.  Laura’s brother David and his family (Jen, Lola and Phoebe) visited from Chico, CA.  Jack started 5th grade, Meghan started 2nd grade.  Family friend Joe Wooten came through St. Louis while on tour.  (He went to school with Laura’s cousin Yvette, plays keyboards for Steve Miller Band.)  Misc. photos of Meghan playing with old Halloween costume of Jack’s.  Sitting on stump of sweetgum tree in backyard.  Swimming lessons both kids , then free time at pool.  Our dog Abbey passed away at age 15 (photo taken 2011).  Miss you!

Update 10/13/12

July: Both Jack and Meghan played LAA baseball.  Jack played guitar with his teacher’s band at their gig at Sunset Hills pool.  (Thank you to Elizabeth C. for underwater photos.)  Some miscellaneous photos also.

June:  Jack played LAA baseball.  Meghan participated in a high school Flyerette cheer camp  We took the kids to visit Elephant Rock state park and Johnson Shut Ins.  Tae Kwon Do.  Our dear cat Chloe passed away at age 15.  Love you kitty!!

Update 8/25/12

May:  Jack got a weaving honored at “Excellence In Art” ceremony.  The kids at the Wild Bird Sanctuary.  Some photos of Chloe our cat who passed away the following month at age 15.   Meghan at her gymnastics class.  Scott visited his brother John in Chicago.  Jack in a Medieval Festival at school.  We went to the high school’s end of year Spirit Festival – Jack played onstage with his guitar classmates and teacher.  The kids swimming.  Laura’s cousin Taylor graduated high school in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

April: Meghan went with Laura’s parents to the Easter egg hunt at the Botanical Garden.  Jack played flag football through Lindbergh athletic association.  Jack and Meghan practicing guitar.  Meghan trying on Scott’s pants. (?)  Jack and Meghan at Truman playground.  Laura and Meghan receiving black belts in tae kwon do.


Update 6/16/12

March: Meghan turned 7 years old!   She had her party at the YMCA.  They had cake and ice cream and then were let loose in the gymnastics room.  Jack and Meghan at their “Guitar Club” class.  They are both learning to play guitar but also they get to try out different instruments such as the drums, bass guitar and keyboards.  Meghan as a lion in a school play.  Meghan with her friend Grace.  The kids at the zoo.

February:  Both Jack and Meghan played basketball through the school district.  Meghan attended a cheerleading clinic and Jack played the viola at a strings performance.  Valentine’s Daddy Daughter dance at the Crestwood center:  Scott and Meghan went and she met up with her friends Lauren, Sydney and Ellen.  Laura’s brother Randy visited from Cedar Rapids IA.  Scott set up Jack’s “pug dog” stuffed animal to amuse the family.  (Pug dog came from second cousin Katie Shaw in Champaign IL).

Update 5/6/12

January:  We did nothing but get our basement renovated.  What started as a small repair turned into “Let’s do the whole thing!”  No photos of the kids except their class photos. 

Update 3/25/12

December 2011: Missouri Botanical Garden Christmas toy train exhibit.  Donating the kids’ high chair.   Laura’s birthday, yes that’s right she’s now 45.  Meghan took a short session of gymnastics through the school district.  Christmas with the Shaws in Champaign Illinois:  Visited the University campus, saw the Quad.  Shaws in photos:  Mike, Jeremy, Katie and Jacob Shaw.  Luke and Nicholas Ditchfield.  Matt, Denise, Jenna and Tyler Langendorf.  Steve Shaw and Jessica LaRosa and John Shaw.

November 2011: Jack and some other kids at his school were honored as Academic All Stars.  Both Jack and Meghan played Lindbergh soccer.  Jack has started learning to play the viola through the school Strings program and they had a holiday concert at the high school.  Jack turned 10 years old! He had a few friends overnight and we made cupcakes.

Update 1/29/12

October:  (Enjoy the new layout of our photos!)  Scott took Jack to his first rock concert, tribute bands to Rush and Journey.  (Rick and Jack’s classmate David Wiedenhoeft went with.)  Laura’s brother Randy and his family visited, the girls took care of their nails.  Halloween costumes!  Class parties and carving pumpkins.  Miscellaneous photos:  crazy hair day for school, outdoor fun, Laura’s dad on a Wisconsin trip, tae kwon do and a couple of leftover September zoo and riverboat cruise photos. 

FYI, for several months Scott has been a contributing writer for a usergroup website http://mssqltips.com/sqlserverauthor/55/scott-shaw/  Read up on the latest advice about virtualizing your database infrastructure!   Come one, come all!

Update 12/04/11

September: Scott and the kids visited the Shaws in Champaign for Labor Day.  His brother James and family were there also from Rockford IL.   Meghan got to cheer at a high school football game, which was part of the cheer camp she did in summer.  Miscellaneous photos of Laura and also her parents at the Botanical Garden.

August:  We took a riverboat cruise of the Mississippi with Laura’s parents and had lunch at Laclede’s Landing.  Miscellaneous photos of Meghan, Scott, swimming at Whitecliff and the YMCA, tae kwon do and the zoo.  (Meghan pretending to be bitten by a turtle statue.)


Update 10/2/11

June:  Not a whole lot of photos this month!  Just the kids at the zoo and Botanical Garden and also of playing in the blow-up kiddie pool in the backyard.  Goings on:  Scott did some adjunct teaching at Washington University.  Laura saw a college friend Renee at a wedding in Bloomington IL.  Also Laura has started part time work as a substitute for Lindbergh Early Childhood Education.

July:  Lots of photos!  The kids with our dog Abbey.  Cheerleading camp for Meghan and basketball camp for Jack at Lindbergh High School.  Meghan took a few weeks of guitar and joined in playing with Scott and Jack.  Baseball for both kids.  Laura’s brother Randy and niece Taylor Parks from Cedar Rapids IA visited for 4th of July.  Misc. photos of Citygarden, Botanical Garden and swimming.  Goings on:  Scott’s mom Candace Clark visited from Santa Rosa, CA.  Scott is freelancing as a book editor, updating “T-SQL for Beginners.”


Update 8/29/11

May:  Meghan finishing up a dance class at Crestwood community center.  Jack’s flag football through Lindbergh.  Grandparent Day at the kids’ school.  Meghan graduated from Kindergarten!  A Mother’s Day outing in Old St. Charles, MO.  Jack was part of a LEAP school project documenting a city park’s tree damage after a tornado.

Miscellaneous photos:  Grant’s Farm, Meghan’s gymnastics, Meghan putting her hand on Laura’s (1970’s something) kindergarten cement handprint, Laumiere Sculpture Park, Jack as Tiger Woods (school book report: dress as the biography subject), pretend beach play Meghan.


Update 7/4/11

March:  Scott took Jack and his friend Shane to a college basketball tournament at the Scott Trade Center downtown.  Jack, Grandpa Parks and Scott building a birdhouse for a school project.  Laura’s niece Taylor and more family from Cedar Rapids, Iowa visited:  Tammy Neumann, niece Stephanie Hartson and baby Claire.  Meghan turned 6 years old!  She had her party at a pottery shop where the girls all made their own pots or name initials as wall hangings. You can see the thrilled look on Jack’s face being the only boy in the room.  A miscellaneous leftover valentine photo.

April:  Meghan took some dance classes at the Crestwood Community Center and had her recital.  Miscellaneous photos of Jack and Scott reading their Harry Potter books, and Meghan putting a Minnie mouse princess hat on the dog.  Laura posing with dancer Meghan before the recital.  Tae kwon do photos.


Update 4/24/11

February 2011:  Meghan’s basketball practices.  (Including a photo of her tuckered out on the sidelines.)  Scott and Meghan went to a Daddy Daughter Valentine dance at the Crestwood Community Center.  Jack had a picture he made at school displayed at a local art gallery, a special exhibit of Lindbergh district  kids’ work.  Miscellaneous photo of Jack and Meghan in Christmas pj’s and bathrobes they got from Shaw second cousins Coleton and Lauren.

January 2011:  Jack and Meghan both played Lindbergh school district basketball.  Laura’s brother Randy and his daughter Taylor visited from Cedar Rapids IA.  Not a whole lot else went on, it was a cold long winter!

Update 3/6/11

November 2010:  Some leftover Halloween photos.  Jack’s 9th (!) birthday party at the Rollercade.  Laura’s brother Randy’s Thanksgiving visit.  Miscellaneous pictures of Meghan with our dog Abbey.  Jack’s soccer team.

December 2010:  Laura’s parents took the kids to see Garden Land Express, a large toy train Christmas exhibit at the Botanical Garden.  Meghan trying out a little bit of dance at the Crestwood Community Center.  Miscellaneous photos of gift opening, Meghan with her new American Girl Doll, and some tae kwon do.  We also attended Scott’s cousin Jeremy Shaw’s wedding, they live in a town south of Springfield IL.





 (Note: Replace (at) with @. This has been modified to prevent spam engines from finding our email address through the website.)